guangzhou municipal garbage classification management regulations -尊龙凯时官方下载

guangzhou municipal garbage classification management regulations -尊龙凯时官方下载


guangzhou municipal people's government order

no. 124

the regulations on classified management of domestic waste in guangzhou were discussed and approved at the 165th executive meeting of the 14th municipal government on may 25, 2015, and will be promulgated for implementation as of september 1, 2015.

mayor chen jianhua

june 20, 2015


guangzhou municipal garbage classification management regulations


chapter i general provisions


article 1 in order to strengthen the classification management of household garbage, raise the level of reduction, recycle and harmlessness of domestic waste and promote the construction of ecological civilization, according to law of the people's republic of china on environmental protection, law of the people's republic of china on recycling economy, "law of the people's republic of china on prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid wastes" and "provisions on administration of city appearance and environment hygiene in guangzhou" and other relevant laws and regulations and in light of the actual conditions of the municipality, these provisions are formulated.

article 2 domestic garbage as mentioned in these provisions refers to the solid wastes generated by units and individuals in their daily life or services for daily life as well as solid wastes that are regarded as domestic solid waste by laws and regulations.

laws, regulations and rules on the municipal sludge, general industrial solid waste, construction waste, medical waste, waste electrical and electronic products, hazardous waste and other waste management has been provided, from its provisions.

manure, animal bones, household decoration and wastes, green garbage, food waste (including waste edible oil) and other waste management regulations to be formulated separately.

article 3 the provisions of these provisions shall apply to the source reduction, classification and delivery of household garbage within the administrative area of this municipality, classification and collection, classification and transportation, classification and disposal, and related planning, construction and management activities.

article 4 the management of domestic waste classification shall follow the principle of government domination, participation of the whole people, urban and rural co-ordination and market operation and shall proceed in accordance with the steps that are easy first and easy, step by step and step by step implementation to further improve the system construction of the whole process of classification and management of domestic waste, gradually realize the full use of resource recovery, zero landfill native waste.

article 5 the people's governments at various levels shall incorporate the classified management of household garbage into the national economic and social development plans at this level and formulate policies and measures such as source reduction, recycling and treatment of facilities for construction and operation of domestic garbage, and guarantee the classification and management of household garbage configuration and capital investment, the implementation of household waste management objectives.

article 6 the municipal administrative department in charge of city shall be in charge of the classification and management of municipal solid waste in this municipality and be responsible for the organization and implementation of these provisions. the district administrative department in charge of urban management shall be specifically responsible for the classification and management of domestic waste in its own administrative area.

the municipal administrative department of commerce is responsible for establishing the recycling network of renewable resources in this municipality, formulating the relevant technical specifications and the directory for recycling renewable resources, and improving the recycling rate of resources.

education, spike personnel service management, environmental protection, culture and radio and television news and publishing, health and family planning, quality and technical supervision, tourism and other administrative departments and urban management of the comprehensive law enforcement agencies in accordance with their respective responsibilities, to do a good job classification management of household waste.

article 7 the town people's government and subdistrict offices shall, under the guidance of the district administrative department of city administration, be responsible for the classification and management of household refuse within the jurisdiction, and organize units and individuals within their jurisdiction to participate in the reduction and classification of domestic waste.

residential committees and villagers committees should do a good job of classifying and propagating domestic garbage, guiding work, cooperating with the people's government and sub-district offices of the township government to organize and supervise property service enterprises, residents and villagers in the classification of domestic waste.

the owners' committee and property service enterprises shall carry out the propaganda of domestic waste classification in their respective communities, mobilize residents at source to reduce and classify domestic rubbish, and supervise residential area cleaners to do a good job of sorting and collecting domestic waste.

article 8 the relevant industry associations for sanitation, renewable resources, property management, catering, hotels and other related industries in this municipality shall incorporate the source reduction and classification of household garbage into the industry management standards and self-regulation, guide and supervise the member units to comply with these provisions.

encourage trade unions, the communist youth league, women's federations, volunteer organizations, environmental organizations and other social groups to give full play to their respective advantages, publicize the source of household waste reduction, resource recycling and garbage classification knowledge, carry out social practice activities and promote the participation of all walks of life in the classification of domestic waste .

article 9 the administrative department in charge of municipalities shall, in accordance with the plan of national economic and social development, the general plans of cities and the general plans for the utilization of land, cooperate with the relevant administrative departments of development and reform, commerce, land and resources planning, environmental protection, urban and rural housing construction and agriculture national standards and norms to develop environmental health professional planning. professional planning should include the collection and delivery of domestic garbage, recycling of renewable resources, sorting and final disposal facilities, including the construction site, scale, approach and so on. the preparation of environmental health professional planning should be carried out environmental impact assessment, the municipal environmental protection administrative department to review the environmental impact assessment documents.

professional planning of environmental health should open the draft plan to solicit public comments by the municipal development and reform, land planning and other administrative management review, by the city administrative department in charge of city information municipal people's government for approval, and by the land planning and administrative departments into urban and rural planning .

domestic waste disposal facilities into the city yellow line of land protection, unauthorized use or change of use.

article 10 the municipality shall gradually establish a low-cost and high-efficiency domestic garbage disposal fee collection system in accordance with the principle of "who produces and who pays for it".

domestic garbage disposal fee is specially used for domestic waste reduction, classification, collection and transportation and disposal, and is forbidden to be used for other purposes.

article 11 the administrative departments of city administration at all levels of the municipality and the administrative departments for press and publication of culture and radio and television broadcasting, tourism and spay service management shall make use of radio, television, newspapers and periodicals, outdoor advertisements, bus videos, building videos, websites, books and other promotional media to enhance public awareness of classification, cultivate the public's classification habits. news media such as radio stations, television stations, newspapers and periodicals in the municipality shall, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and rules, arrange publicity contents for public welfare in the classification of municipal solid waste. each news media shall, according to the requirements of the city administrative department in charge of administration of the city, set up a column for publicizing classified garbage of living garbage, and issue a certain percentage of publicity advertisements of public welfare garbage every week for free and fixed.

educational administrative departments at all levels in this municipality shall incorporate the knowledge of source reduction and classification of domestic garbage into the teaching contents and social practice of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

the operators and managers of public facilities and places such as shopping malls, markets, subways, airports, railway stations, wharves, stadiums, parks, tourist attractions, etc. shall conduct publicity and education on the classification of domestic waste in various forms.

article 12 encourage and guide social investment into the fields of recycling, cleaning, collection, transportation and disposal of household garbage.

this municipality encourages and supports the scientific and technological innovation in domestic waste treatment, promotes the research and development and transformation and application of advanced technologies and processes of domestic waste treatment, and improves the technological level of domestic waste treatment.


the second chapter source reduction


article 13 people's governments at all levels should follow the principle of resource conservation, environmental protection and safety of production and life to establish a mechanism for source reduction of various types of waste that covers production, circulation and consumption so as to encourage units and individuals in production and living in reducing the generation of household waste.

article 14 producers and sellers shall strictly implement the standards and requirements of the state, the province and the municipality on over-packaging of commodities and reduce the use of disposable packaging materials. producers and sellers should list the products and packages listed in the compulsory recycling catalog and specify the recycling methods and recycling locations.

article 15 government agencies, public institutions and state-owned enterprises shall implement green offices and promote paperless offices.

government procurement should give priority to the purchase of recyclable and recyclable commodities. relevant work guidelines shall be separately formulated by the municipal finance administrative department.

article 16 the implementation of net food market, clean agricultural and sideline products into the city, limit and reduce the use of plastic bags.

article 17 the administrative departments for industry and commerce, agriculture and other administrative departments for the development and reform of the city, commerce, quality and technology, and the administrative departments for industry and commerce and agriculture shall, in accordance with the requirements and responsibilities of articles 14 to 16 of these measures, formulate supporting documents to promote the production, sales and circulation of all aspects of domestic garbage reduction.


chapter iii category delivery


article 18 the "garbage classification" as mentioned in these provisions refers to the classification, collection, classification, transportation and classification according to the composition, utilization value and degree of environmental impact of domestic waste and according to the requirements of different treatment methods behavior.

the municipal solid waste is divided into the following four categories:

(1) recyclable materials refer to domestic rubbish suitable for recycling and resource utilization, including paper, plastic, metal, glass, lumber and fabrics;

(2) harmful garbage refers to domestic garbage that causes direct or potential harm to human health or the natural environment, including waste rechargeable batteries, waste button batteries, waste lamps, disposal of drugs, waste pesticides (containers), waste paint (container), waste daily chemicals, waste mercury products, etc .;

(3) kitchen waste (organic perishable garbage) refers to perishable garbage such as food waste, waste edible oil and grease, kitchen waste and organic waste at the market and bazaar, including discarded food, vegetables, fruits and peels, and families produced flowers, leaves and so on;

(d) other rubbish refers to household rubbish, including disposable sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, napkins, cigarette butts, sweeping debris and the like, which are difficult to classify except recyclables, harmful garbage and food waste.

article 19 the municipal administrative department of city administration shall formulate and promulgate the classification methods and classification guidelines for municipal solid waste in this municipality.

the administrative departments of city administration in all districts shall formulate and publicize the modes and implementation rules for domestic garbage disposal in this area.

subdistrict offices and township people's government shall, according to the mode of distribution of household garbage in their area, formulate a plan for implementing classification of domestic waste in accordance with the jurisdiction.

article 20 the municipality shall implement the system of persons responsible for the management of household garbage. household waste classification management in accordance with the following provisions:

(a) of the residential areas in the city, the implementation of property management, the property service unit for the person responsible; unit self-management, self-management units as the responsible person;

(2) rural residential areas and transformed communities, village committees and rural collective economic organizations as the responsible persons;

(3) responsible areas of the units such as organs, organizations, military units, schools, hospitals, factories, etc., with the units as the responsible persons;

(4) business places such as bazaars, shopping malls, hotels, hotels, exhibitions and exhibitions, shops and shops, and business management units are the responsible persons;

(5) the operation and management units are the persons responsible for such places as airports, docks, railway stations, long-distance bus terminals, bus stations, rail transit stations, culture, sports, parks, tourist attractions,

(vi) the construction site construction site, the construction unit is responsible.

if the person in charge of the classification of household garbage can not be identified, the responsible persons shall be implemented by the people's government and the subdistrict office of the town where they are located.

article 21 the person in charge of the management of domestic waste classification shall be responsible for the following work:

(1) establishing a daily management system for the classification of domestic waste, and publicizing the different types of domestic waste for its delivery time, place of delivery and delivery methods;

(b) to carry out within the scope of responsibility of household waste classification propaganda, guidance, supervision units and individuals to do the source reduction and waste classification;

(3) according to the relevant regulations, in combination with the amount and mode of distribution of domestic waste and the reasonable setting of domestic garbage collection containers, keeping the collection containers intact and neat and beautiful, worn, defaced or in insufficient quantities, they shall be promptly repaired, replaced and cleaned or make up;

(4) using different color garbage collection bags prescribed by this municipality to collect other rubbish and food waste respectively;

(e) the domestic garbage collected to the designated collection points (points), and collected by the permitted units for transport.

article 22 units and individuals shall, in accordance with the time, place and mode of public announcement by the person responsible for the management of domestic waste classification, put domestic garbage on their own hands and shall not dump, scatter or deposit domestic garbage at will.

garbage disposal should comply with the following provisions:

(1) the recyclable materials shall be put into the recyclable material collection container or sold to the recycling resource recovery site (enterprise) of the renewable resource and the individual recovery personnel;

(2) harmful garbage should be put into harmful garbage collection container or handed over to harmful garbage collection point;

(3) kitchen waste should be drained and put into the kitchen waste collection container;

(iv) other rubbish should be placed on other rubbish collection containers.

article 23 garbage such as furniture, waste electrical and electronic products shall be put into operation according to the following provisions:

(1) furniture, waste electrical and electronic products, such as bulky garbage, bulky garbage or large pieces of garbage that need to be disassembled and reprocessed shall be reserved for collection at the recycling site of recycling resources or the collection and delivery service units as required.

(2) abandoned potted plants shall be put on collection points designated by the administrative department in charge of city administration, and the collection and transportation units shall be collected and transported by the collection and delivery units according to the basin, mud and flowers (plants).

(3) the sporadic construction waste generated during the decoration of residents shall be bagged and separately stored according to the time, place and requirements as stipulated by the people's government, sub-district offices or household garbage management personnel of the town.

(4) the agricultural materials packaging waste shall be separately put into the collection points designated by the person in charge of the household garbage classification management, and the pesticide packaging waste shall be put on the designated collection point of the environmental protection administrative department.

(5) it is forbidden to mix the dead bodies of animals and livestock such as mice and livestock with domestic garbage, and the animal carcasses shall be put into operation separately as required.

it is forbidden to mix industrial solid waste, construction waste, medical waste and hazardous waste into household garbage.

article 24 the municipal commerce administrative department shall be responsible for the layout planning of the recycling network of renewable resources in this municipality. the municipal supply and marketing cooperatives shall be responsible for the concrete implementation of this plan. in accordance with the principle of facilitating sale and purchase, a reproduction shall be set up for every 1,500 to 2,000 households recycling site. each street should be set at least one recycling resource recycling station, the building area of not less than 50 square meters. there is no condition to set renewable resource recycling stand alone, you can merge with the garbage collection station settings.

encourage the property service area, shopping malls, supermarkets, convenience stores and other operators or managers set up convenient recovery points in place.

encourage the use of deposits, trade-in, set up automatic recovery machines, online shopping delivery of packaging and other recycling recycling resources, to achieve diversified recycling.

article 25 if the person in charge of the management of domestic garbage classification fails to correct the rectification opinions, the units and individuals that do not classify and dispose of the household garbage according to the regulations shall promptly notify the residents committee and the villagers' committee about persuading them.

the public may not complain to the person in charge of household waste classification if they do not follow the rules and regulations.


chapter iv collection


article 26 the municipal administrative department in charge of city shall, together with the administrative departments of land and resources planning, development and reform, urban and rural housing construction in the city, formulate the norms for the construction of facilities for the classification and collection of household garbage in this municipality. when planning the detailed control plan, the municipal land planning administrative department shall include the relevant contents in the construction construction supporting domestic garbage classification and collection facilities construction norms.

the development of new urban areas, the transformation of old cities, and the construction, reconstruction and expansion of residential areas should be based on the planning and setting standards and in accordance with national standards and the requirements of this municipality supporting the construction of household garbage collection facilities. new residential construction projects, construction units should be publicized on the sales sites supporting the collection of household waste collection facilities set the location, function and other content, and in the housing sales contract expressly stated.

article 27

about us

south environment co., ltd. was established in may 2017, jointly funded by the china ship marine and defense equipment limited by share ltd and guangzhou city wide asset management co., ltd., with a registered capital of 500 million yuan. in the field of environmental protection investment, south environment operation, equipment manufacturing, technology development, circular economy industrial park and the city...



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