the state council of the cpc central committee issued the "overall plan for the reform of ecological civilization system" -尊龙凯时官方下载

the state council of the cpc central committee issued the "overall plan for the reform of ecological civilization system" -尊龙凯时官方下载


xinhua news agency, beijing, september 21 recently, the cpc central committee and the state council issued the "overall plan for the reform of ecological civilization system" and issued a circular calling on all localities and departments to conscientiously carry it out in accordance with the actual conditions.

the main contents of "overall plan for the reform of ecological civilization system" are as follows.

in order to speed up the establishment of a systematic and complete system of ecological civilization system, accelerate the construction of ecological civilization and enhance the systematic, integral and synergistic nature of the system reform of ecological civilization and formulate this plan.

first, the overall requirements of the reform of ecological civilization system

(a) the guiding ideology of the reform of ecological civilization system. to implement the spirit of the 18th cpc national congress and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th plenary sessions of the 18th cpc national congress in an all-round way, guided by deng xiaoping theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the scientific outlook on development, and thoroughly implement the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's important speech , adhere to the basic national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, adhering to the principle of saving priority, protecting priority and returning to nature in accordance with the decision-making arrangements made by the central party committee and the state council and based on the basic national conditions and new stage characteristics in the initial stage of our socialism so as to build a beautiful china as the goal, take the correct handling of the relationship between man and nature as the core, to solve the prominent problems in the field of ecological environment-oriented, to ensure national ecological security, improve the quality of the environment, improve resource utilization efficiency, and promote the harmonious development of man and nature to form a new pattern of modernization .

(b) the concept of ecological civilization system reform

to establish the concept of respecting nature, complying with nature and protecting nature, the construction of ecological civilization not only affects the sustained and healthy economic development but also the relations between politics and society. it must be placed on prominence and integrated into all aspects of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction. the whole process.

to establish the concept of unity of development and protection, and to adhere to the strategic thinking that development is the last word, the development must be green, recycling and low-carbon development, balance development and protection, control development intensity and adjust spatial structure according to the orientation of main functions , leave the beautiful homelands of sky blue, earth green and water net to future generations so as to realize the inherent unity and mutual promotion of development and protection.

establishing green water is the concept of jinshanyinshan. clean air, clean water, beautiful mountains and rivers, fertile land and biodiversity are the necessary ecological environment for human survival. to uphold development is the top priority, and forests, grasslands, rivers and lakes must be protected , wetlands, oceans and other natural ecosystems.

to establish the concept of natural value and natural capital, natural ecology is valuable. to protect nature is the process of adding value to natural resources and natural capital. that is, to protect and develop productive forces, we should receive reasonable returns and financial compensation.

we should establish a concept of space equilibrium and grasp the balance of population, economy and resources and environment to promote development. the population size, industrial structure and growth rate can not exceed the carrying capacity and environmental capacity of local water and land resources.

establishing landscapes lintian lake is a community of life concept. according to the integrity, systematicness and inherent law of the ecosystem, the overall protection is made by considering all elements of natural ecology, mountainous hills, aboveground and underground, land and sea, and upstream and downstream of the river basin. repair, comprehensive management, enhance the ability of ecosystem circulation, maintain ecological balance.

(c) the principle of ecological civilization system reform

adhere to the correct direction of reform, improve the market mechanism, give full play to the government's leading and regulatory role, give play to the enthusiasm of enterprises and self-restraint and give full play to the participation and supervision of social organizations and the public.

adhere to the public nature of natural resources assets, innovation property system, the implementation of ownership, natural resources, assets and owners to distinguish between rights and managers, a reasonable division of powers and regulatory powers of the central government to ensure that all people share the benefits of all natural resources assets.

we will continue to unify urban and rural environmental governance systems, continue to strengthen urban environmental protection and prevention and control of industrial pollution, increase the coverage of rural areas by ecological and environmental protection work, establish and improve institutional mechanisms for rural environmental governance, and increase efforts to establish pollution control facilities and funds in rural areas.

adhere to both incentives and restraints, it is necessary to form a profit-oriented mechanism that supports green development, recycling development and low-carbon development. at the same time, we must insist on strictly controlling the source, severely punishing the handicap, severely punishing the victims and establishing accountability for all kinds of market players, gradual realization of the market, the rule of law, institutionalized.

it is our conscientious act to adhere to initiative as a combination with international cooperation and strengthen ecological and environmental protection. at the same time, we should deepen international exchanges and pragmatic cooperation and draw lessons from the advanced international technology and institutional mechanisms to build useful experiences and actively participate in global environmental governance. fulfill international responsibilities that are appropriate to the big developing countries.

adhere to encourage the pilot first and the overall coordination and promotion of the combination of the central party committee and the state council under the unified plan, the first easy hard, step by step, a mature one. we will support all regions to explore the basic directions determined in accordance with this program and to experiment boldly in light of local conditions.

(d) the goal of the reform of ecological civilization system. by 2020, the system will be built up from the natural resource property rights system, the system of land and space development and protection, the space planning system, the total resource management and overall system of conservation, the paid use of resources and the system of ecological compensation, the system of environmental governance, the market of environmental governance and ecological protection system, ecological civilization performance appraisal and accountability system and other accountability system composed of eight systems of clear ownership, multiple participation, both incentive and restraint, a complete system of ecological civilization system to promote the field of ecological civilization, national governance and modernization of governance capabilities, and strive to social the new era of ecological civilization.

to establish a property rights system of natural resources with clear ownership, clear and definite powers and effective supervision and administration, and strive to solve the problems such as the lack of owners of natural resources and the blurred boundaries of ownership.

build a system of development and protection of territorial space based on spatial planning and use-based control as the main means to solve the problems of high-quality cultivated land and excessive ecological space, ecological damage and environmental pollution caused by disorderly development, over-exploitation and decentralized development .

we should construct a spatial planning system that takes spatial governance and spatial structure optimization as its main contents, national unification, linkage and management at different levels in an effort to solve the problems of overlapping overlapping of spatial planning, repeated overlapping of departmental responsibilities, and temporary changes in local planning.

we will build a comprehensive, scientifically standardized and strictly managed system for managing total resources and a comprehensive system of saving resources, and strive to solve the problems of serious waste of resources and inefficient utilization.

build a system of compensated use of resources and ecological compensation that reflects market supply and demand and scarcity of resources, embody natural values and intergenerational compensation, and strive to solve the problems of low prices of natural resources and their products, lower production and development costs than social costs and no reasonable protection of the ecological environment return and other issues.

construct an environmental governance system that aims at improving the quality of the environment, supervising and unifying, enforcing the laws strictly and engaging with multiple parties, and resolves issues such as weak pollution prevention and control capabilities, overlapping regulatory functions, inconsistent rights and responsibilities, and low illegal costs.

build more market systems that use economic levers for environmental governance and ecological protection, and strive to solve the problems of lagging development of market players and market systems and low levels of social participation.

efforts should be made to establish an ecological civilization performance appraisal and accountability system that fully reflects resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological benefits, and strive to solve the problems of incomplete evaluation of development performance, lack of implementation of responsibilities and lack of accountability for damages.

second, improve the system of property rights of natural resources assets

(e) to establish a unified system of the confirmation of registration. adhere to the public ownership of resources, property rights statutory, all the clear definition of all types of natural resources in national space assets of the main property rights. register all the natural ecological spaces, such as water flow, forests, mountains, grasslands, wasteland and tidal flat, and make sure that the boundaries between the ownership of the whole people and the ownership of the collective are gradually cleared, and the boundaries of ownership by the whole people and the exercise of ownership by different levels of government are defined. clear the boundaries of different group owners. promote the confirmation of registration by law.

(vi) the establishment of clear rights and responsibilities of natural resources property rights system. develop a list of rights and clarify the rights of all types of natural resource owners. to handle the relationship between ownership and usufruct and to innovate the realization form of the ownership by the whole people and the collective ownership of natural resources, in addition to the important ecological functions, the ownership and the usufruct may be separated and the ownership of rights such as possession, use, proceeds, sanctions and other rights clearly defined rights and responsibilities, the right to expand the right to use the transfer, transfer, rent, mortgage, security, shares and other powers. clearly state-owned farms, forest farms and ranch landowners and users empowerment. we must fully establish a system of paid assignment that covers all kinds of natural resources and assets of all people. overall planning, strengthening the construction of natural resources and assets trading platform.

(seven) improve the national natural resources and asset management system. in accordance with the principle of separation of owners and regulators and the responsibility of one department, consolidate the responsibilities of the owners of all distributed natural resources as a whole and set up a comprehensive plan for all ownership of mineral resources, water flow, forests, mountains, grasslands, wasteland, sea areas, all kinds of natural resources such as unified ownership of the body, responsible for all the natural resources such as the transfer.

(8) explore the establishment of a system of grading exercise of ownership. for the natural resources assets owned by the whole people, we shall study the implementation of the system of exercising the ownership by the central and local governments in accordance with the importance of different types of resources and in ecological, economic and national defense so as to achieve the unification of efficiency and fairness. to distinguish between all central government all the people directly to exercise ownership, ownership of all local governments to exercise ownership of the list of resources and space. the central government mainly exercises direct ownership over oil and natural gas, precious rare mineral resources, key state-owned forest areas, major rivers and trans-boundary rivers, wetland grasslands with ecological functions, coastal tidal flats, rare wild animal species and some national parks.

(ix) to carry out pilot projects to determine the right of water and wetland property. explore the establishment of the water rights system, to carry out pilot projects of water and coastline and other aquatic ecosystems, follow the principle of systematic and integrated aquatic ecosystems, and clarify the ownership, use rights and use of water resources. in gansu, ningxia and other places to carry out wetland property rights pilot.

third, the establishment of land and space development and protection system

(ten) improve the main functional area system. we will make overall plans for the planning of functional zones at the national and provincial levels and improve the regional policies based on the main functional zones. we will speed up adjustment and improvement of the fiscal, industrial, investment and population movements according to the different positioning of the urbanized areas, the main producing areas of agricultural products and the key ecological function areas land use, resource development, environmental protection and other policies.

(11) to improve the regulatory system for the use of land and space. simplify the top-down land-use index control system and adjust the allocation of indicators by districts and administrative bases. the development of intensity indicators will be decomposed into the county-level administrative regions, as a binding indicator, control the total amount of construction land. we will expand the use of control to all natural ecological space, delineation and strict ecological red line, forbid any change of purpose, to prevent the irrational development and construction activities on the ecological red line of destruction. we will improve the monitoring system covering all the national territory and space and dynamically monitor the spatial changes in the land.

(twelve) the establishment of a national park system. strengthen the protection and sustainable use of important ecosystems, and reform the system of setting up natural reserves, scenic spots, cultural natural heritage, geoparks and forest parks by different departments separately, reform the above-mentioned protected areas, and rationally define the scope of national parks . national parks shall be subject to stricter protection. except for the transformation of indigenous people's living facilities and natural tourism, scientific research, education and tourism, the development and construction of other parks and natural places and the authenticity and integrity of natural and cultural heritage shall be banned. strengthen the pilot of national parks, based on the pilot study and formulate the establishment of a national park system overall program. build long-term mechanism to protect rare wild animals and plants.

(thirteen) improve the natural resources regulatory system. we will gradually decentralize the responsibility for the control of various departments to a single department and exercise unified control over the use of all land and resources.

fourth, the establishment of space planning system

(fourteen) preparation of space planning. we will integrate all kinds of spatial plans that have been drafted separately by various departments and prepare a unified spatial plan to achieve the full coverage of the plan. spatial planning is the guide for the development of the national space and the spatial blueprint for sustainable development. it is the basic basis for various types of development and construction activities. spatial planning is divided into three levels: state, province, city and county (the scope of urban planning for municipal districts is the municipal jurisdiction). study and establish a unified and standardized spatial planning mechanism. encourage pilot provincial-level spatial planning. compiling beijing-tianjin-hebei space plan.

(xv) promote "multi-regulation and one-unity" in cities and counties. support cities and counties to promote "multi-disciplinary," unified planning of city and county spatial planning, and gradually form a city and county planning, a blueprint. according to the main function orientation and provincial spatial planning requirements, the planning of city and county space planning shall be unified with the classification standard of land. the production space, living space and ecological space should be demarcated, and the development boundary of urban construction area, industrial area and rural residential area should be defined, , forests, grasslands, rivers, lakes, wetlands and other protection boundaries to strengthen the overall planning of urban underground space. strengthen the guidance of the pilot project of "multi-disciplinary integration" in cities and counties, study and formulate guidelines and technical specifications for the planning of city and county spatial planning, and form a replicable experience that can be popularized.

(xvi) innovate the method of compiling spatial planning for cities and counties. exploring the standardization of city and county spatial planning process, expand social participation and enhance the scientific and transparent planning. encourage the pilot areas to carry out the integration of planning departments, a department responsible for the preparation of city and county spatial planning, the establishment of professionals and representatives from related parties can be formed by the planning review committee. the planning of resources should be carried out before the bearing capacity of the environment to assess the results as the basic basis for planning. during the planning process, various opinions should be solicited extensively. the draft plan should be published in full text and the opinions of local residents should be fully heard. after the plan is approved by the deliberation committee, the plan is examined and approved by the local people's congress and reported to higher level government departments for the record. planning results should include planning texts and high-precision layouts and be posted on the web and other local media. encourage local residents to supervise the implementation of the plan and report construction and development violations in violation of the plan. the local people's congress and its standing committee regularly listen to the report on the implementation of space planning and hold accountability to the local government for violating the planning.

fifth, improve the total amount of resources management and comprehensive conservation system

(17) to perfect the most stringent farmland protection system and land intensive conservation system. we will improve the basic farmland protection system and demarcate the red line of permanent basic farmland. according to the requirements of not reducing the area, not decreasing the quality and not changing its purpose, the basic farmland shall be taken to the households and stored on the above map. strict protection shall be implemented except for the national priorities construction site selection can not be avoided, no other construction shall not be occupied. strengthen the assessment and monitoring of the quality of cultivated land, strengthen the protection of cultivated land quality and enhance the construction. we will improve the system of balancing and averaging cultivated land, and control the total amount of cultivated land occupied by newly-added construction land. the implementation of total construction land control and reduction of the amount of management, the establishment of conservation-intensive land use incentives and restraint mechanisms, adjust the structure, revitalize the stock, rational arrangements for the annual land use plan.

(eighteen) improve the most stringent water resources management system. in accordance with the priority of water conservation, spatial equilibrium, system management, with both hands and force policy, improve the total amount of water control system to ensure water safety. speed up the formulation of major river basin water allocation programs to strengthen provincial co-ordination, improve the provincial and municipal tertiary three-way access to water control index system. establish and improve the mechanism of economizing on intensive water use, and promote the structural adjustment and optimal allocation of water resources use. improve planning and construction project water resources demonstration system. the main use of price and tax instruments, and gradually establish agricultural irrigation water control and quota management, water-intensive industrial enterprises planned water and quota management system. establish water quota access threshold in areas with severe water shortages and strictly control the construction of high water consumption projects. strengthen the protection of aquatic products origin and environmental remediation, control of aquaculture

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south environment co., ltd. was established in may 2017, jointly funded by the china ship marine and defense equipment limited by share ltd and guangzhou city wide asset management co., ltd., with a registered capital of 500 million yuan. in the field of environmental protection investment, south environment operation, equipment manufacturing, technology development, circular economy industrial park and the city...



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