letter from the general office of the national development and reform commission and the general office of the ministry of housing and urban rural development on soliciting opinions on the compulsory classification system of garbage (draft for comments) -尊龙凯时官方下载

letter from the general office of the national development and reform commission and the general office of the ministry of housing and urban rural development on soliciting opinions on the compulsory classification system of garbage (draft for comments) -尊龙凯时官方下载


ring for [2016]1467

the central financial work leading group office, the ministry of education, ministry of science and technology, ministry of industry and information technology, ministry of finance, ministry of land and resources, ministry of environmental protection, ministry of agriculture, ministry of health and family planning commission, the state administration of taxation, quality inspection bureau, tourism bureau, the national patriotic health campaign committee general office (room), the general office of the provincial, autonomous districts, municipalities and cities, the capital city of the people's government:

according to the "cpc central committee and the state council on accelerating the construction of ecological civilization" and "ecological civilization reform overall plan" requirements, the national development and reform commission and the ministry of housing and urban organized the drafting of the "mandatory garbage classification scheme (draft)". india is now sent to you, please work with research comments, and written comments in june 30th before the feedback of the national development and reform commission (ring division) and the ministry of housing and urban rural construction (construction division). the relevant provinces and autonomous regions at the same time seek to determine the first batch of garbage demonstration city (district) people's government opinion, and feedback together.

chen cheng, a contact with the department of resource conservation and environmental protection of the development and reform commission

tel: (010) 68505571 fax: (010) 68505594

li haiying, member of the department of urban construction of the ministry of housing and urban rural development

tel: (010) 58934756 fax: (010) 58933434

attachment: scheme for compulsory classification of garbage (draft for comments)

general office of the national development and reform commission

general office of the ministry of housing and urban rural development

june 15, 2016


compulsory classification system of garbage

(draft for comment)

with the improvement of people's living standards and the acceleration of urbanization, the production of municipal solid waste in china has increased rapidly. many areas have been plagued by "garbage besieged city", and environmental risks have become increasingly prominent, which has become a constraint factor for the development of new urbanization. the implementation of mandatory garbage classification system, not only can effectively reduce the amount of garbage removal and final processing capacity, reduce end processing pressure, and can effectively recycle garbage in the use of important resources, promote resource-saving and environment-friendly society construction, at the same time, more conducive to the cultivation of social resources environmental awareness, and constantly improve the overall quality of civilization of the chinese nation. according to the opinions of the central committee of the communist party of china and the state council on speeding up the construction of ecological civilization and the overall plan of ecological civilization system reform, the following compulsory classification system scheme of municipal solid waste is put forward.

first, make clear the overall requirements and objectives of garbage classification

(1) guiding ideology

to implement the spirit of the party's eighteen and eighteen third, fourth, fifth plenary session of the comprehensive development, firmly establish the concept of innovation, harmony, green, open, sharing, according to the overall deployment of the construction of ecological civilization and the development of new urbanization, the garbage forced classification as an important initiative to promote green development and innovation of city management. follow the "reduction, recycle and harmless" principle, establish and improve the government leadership, department coordination, market operation, public participation mechanism, construction put garbage classification, classification and classification of collection and treatment facilities, promote urban sanitation systems and renewable resource recycling system and integration effectively, improve the incentive and restraint policy, strengthen publicity and education, and constantly improve the level of urban living garbage classification, a solid foundation for the construction of the beautiful chinese.

(two) basic principles

1, encourage the main, supplemented by coercion. domestic waste classification involves thousands of households, directly related to the interests of the masses and social stability, should be encouraged to urban residents, leading residents to actively participate in and gradually form active classification habits. the public institutions and enterprises with clear responsibilities should be forced to carry out the garbage classification.

2, adjust measures to local conditions, step by step. the climate characteristics and every area of our country development level, different living habits, resulting in waste composition differences, should be combined with the actual country, reasonable delineation of garbage classification categories, varieties, requirements, methods, collection, unified planning, classification shi policy, from easy to difficult, steadily.

3, innovation and development, improve the mechanism. introducing market mechanism to improve the efficiency of garbage classification. strengthen technological innovation, combined with the use of information technology to promote the logistics platform and garbage collection system entity line phase. establish and improve the laws, regulations and standards of garbage classification, and improve the incentive and restraint policies which are conducive to garbage classification.

4, coordinated promotion, effective cohesion. the construction and supporting the garbage collection and transportation system, promote the effective convergence of waste collection and transportation system and the recycling system of renewable resources, establish and improve the collection and transportation of toxic and hazardous waste disposal system of non industrial sources. construction and improvement of logistics transfer facilities and garbage terminal disposal facilities, forming a unified, complete, collaborative and efficient waste sorting collection, transportation, resource utilization and terminal disposal of the whole process management system.

(three) main objectives

by the end of 2020, city life garbage classification system focus effectively, laws and regulations and standard system of garbage classification basically established, garbage harmless, resource and industrialization system formed, preliminary form can be copied, can be extended, the public received basic living mandatory garbage classification model. in the key cities of compulsory classification of domestic garbage, the coverage rate of classified collection of domestic waste reached more than 90%, and the recovery rate of domestic waste reached more than 35% (including the recycling of waste resources, the classification of collection and the implementation of recycling of kitchen waste and other perishable organic waste).

by 2030, the classification of municipal solid waste has been widely recognized and actively participated in the whole society

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