people's daily published the minister of environmental protection li ganjie signature letter: beautiful china deeply rooted in people's progress -尊龙凯时官方下载

people's daily published the minister of environmental protection li ganjie signature letter: beautiful china deeply rooted in people's progress -尊龙凯时官方下载


since the 18th cpc national congress, the cpc central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core has always adhered to and developed socialism with chinese characteristics and achieved a strategic height for the sustainable development of the chinese nation. taking the ecological civilization construction as an overall plan for promoting the "five in one" coordinate and promote the important contents of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, plan and carry out a series of fundamental, long-term and seminal work to promote the ecological environment protection in our country from the realization of historical and overall changes in practice, and the beautiful china construction enjoys popular support and is steadily advancing.

achieve major theoretical innovation

since the 18th cpc national congress, comrade xi jinping has made a series of important instructions and made a series of important new ideas, new ideas and new strategies with a series of important speeches centered on the construction of ecological civilization and environmental protection, profoundly answered the questions of why building an ecological civilization and building what such as how to build ecological civilization and other major issues, the formation of a scientific system of ecological civilization construction strategy, expanding the marxist concept of nature and development, conform to the new expectations of the people, deepening the laws of economic and social development and natural the understanding of ecological law has brought profound changes in the concept of development and the way of governing. it has provided ideological guidance, practice-following and forward motivation for the realization of harmonious development of man and nature and building a beautiful china.

firmly grasp the scientific concept of nature that respects nature, complies with nature and protects nature. comrade xi jinping pointed out that the development of a prosperous country is based on ecology, while the declining civilization of ecology declines. the relationship between man and nature is the most basic relationship in human society. man is born of nature. man and nature coexist, and the harm to nature will eventually hurt human beings. the history of the development of a human civilization is a history of the relationship between man and nature. in terms of the history of the world and the chinese nation, changes in the ecological environment directly affect the succession and decline of civilization. therefore, we must put the construction of ecological civilization in a prominent position in the overall work, adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, stick to the principle of giving priority to conservation, giving priority to protection and returning to nature. we will continue to take production and development, affluent life and ecological well-being a civilized way of development and a new pattern of modernization construction for the harmonious development of man and nature.

firmly grasp the green mountain is jinshan yinshan green development concept. comrade xi jinping proposed that "lushui castle peak is the yinshan mountain of jinshan". it profoundly reveals the essential relationship between development and protection, renews the traditional understanding of natural resources, and points out the methodology to realize the intrinsic unity and mutual promotion and coordination of development and protection. protecting the ecology is the process of protecting natural values and increasing natural capital. protecting the environment is the process of protecting the potential and stamina of economic and social development. the advantages of ecological environment into economic and social development advantages, green mountains and rivers can continue to bring jinshanyinshan. in this sense, grasping environmental protection means grasping development and grasping sustainable development. we must establish and implement the concept of new development, properly handle the relationship between development and protection, promote the formation of a green development mode and a life style, and work hard to bring about a synergistic economic and social development and ecological and environmental protection.

firmly grasp the good ecological environment is the most common view of the people's livelihood and well-being of the basic livelihood. comrade xi jinping pointed out that the environment is people's livelihood, castle peak is beautiful, and the blue sky is also happy. there is no substitute ecological environment, unconsciously, the loss of survival. with the marked improvement in the level of productivity in our country and the remarkable improvement in the people's livelihood, the masses of the people look forward to enjoying a more beautiful environment. we must adhere to the people-centered development thinking, resolutely lay the fights for ecological and environmental protection, increase the supply of quality eco-products, meet people's new expectations for a good ecological environment, and enhance people's sense of gain and happiness.

firmly grasp the landscape forest and grassland is a community of life as a whole system concept. comrade xi jinping emphasized that the lakes and lakes and lakes are a community of life. ecology is a unified natural system. it is a natural chain in which various natural elements are interdependent and realize the cycle. lifeblood of people in the field, the lifeblood of the field in the water, the lifeblood of water in the mountains, the lifeline of the mountains in the soil, the lifeblood of the soil in the tree. in accordance with the integrity, systematicness and inherent law of natural ecology, we should make overall consideration of all elements of natural ecology as well as the up and down mountain, above and below ground, land and sea, and upper and lower reaches of the river basin to carry out systematic protection, macroscopic control and comprehensive management, and enhance ecosystem circulation capacity , to maintain ecological balance.

firmly grasp the strict legal system with the most strict system to protect the ecological environment. comrade xi jinping pointed out that protecting the ecological environment must rely on the system and rely on the rule of law. on the issue of ecological environment protection, we should not move beyond the threshold of the thunder or else we should be punished. we should establish a system of ecological civilization with clear property rights, multiple participation, equal incentive and restraint, and complete system according to the principles of strict prevention at source, rigorous management and serious consequences. we should establish an ecological civilization legal system that effectively restrains development behavior and promotes green and low-carbon development , give play to the guiding and regulating functions of the system and the rule of law, regulate all kinds of development, utilization and protection activities so as to benefit the protectors and allow the harms to be punished, so as to provide institutional and institutional guarantees for the construction of ecological civilization.

firmly grasp the global concept of win-win win-win solution to the issue of building a global ecological civilization. comrade xi jinping emphasized that building a green home is a common human dream. the international community should work hand in hand to build an economic structure and industrial system that respects natural and green development, solve the contradictions brought by the industrial civilization, aim at the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, consummate the path of global ecological civilization construction and realize the world's sustainable development and people's all-round development. the construction of ecological civilization is both a concept and a path for china to realize sustainable development as the largest developing country and a china concept and a china program for global environmental governance.

obvious progress achieved

under comrade xi jinping's important strategic thinking on ecological civilization construction, all localities and departments have stepped up efforts and made remarkable achievements in ecological and environmental protection. generally speaking, these five years since the 18th national congress of the cpc have been the period in which our country has made the most efforts in ecological civilization construction, the most effective measures are taken, the fastest it is promoted and the best is achieved.

the level of ideological understanding of unprecedented. people's understanding of the relationship between economic development and environmental protection has undergone profound changes. the concept of green development has become increasingly popular with the people. more and more places regard environmental protection as an opportunity and an important starting point. they are determined to solve the problems of industry, energy and transport, and strive to expand new space for development and enhance the quality of economic development and urban competitiveness. more and more enterprises recognize that strengthening environmental protection conforms to their own long-term interests and strives to improve the efficiency of environmental protection standards. the concept of protecting the environment and everyone being responsible has been gradually reaching the hearts of the people, green consumption, rapid development of shared economy, and concern for the environment and participation in environmental protection in the whole society.

the intensity of pollution control is unprecedented. the state council promulgated the three major action plans for the prevention and control of the atmosphere, water and soil pollution and resolutely declared war on pollution. increased efforts to resolve the overcapacity of steel, coal and elimination of outdated production capacity, emission intensity of major pollutants per unit of product, continuous reduction of energy consumption per unit of gdp, and continuous improvement of resources and energy efficiency. china's energy consumption structure has undergone a positive change, becoming the world's largest source of new energy and renewable energy. accelerate the construction of environmental infrastructure, become the world's sewage treatment, garbage disposal capacity of the largest countries.

the frequency of the introduction of the system unprecedented. the cpc central committee and state council printed and distributed "opinions on accelerating the building of ecological civilization" and "overall plan for the reform of ecological civilization system." the leading group for comprehensively deepening the reform of the central government reviewed and passed over 40 specific proposals for the reform of ecological civilization construction and environmental protection. a series of landmark and pillar reform measures were launched one after another, and the institutional system of the "four beams, eight columns and pillar" was continuously improved. four batches of central environmental protection inspectors were deployed to achieve the full coverage of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) with more than 10,000 people being accountable, effectively implementing the "one responsibility for the two posts with the same responsibility of the party and the government" and promoting a large number of prominent environmental issues problem. orderly promote the environmental protection agencies below the provincial level to monitor the vertical reform of the supervision and law enforcement, carry out the establishment of environmental monitoring and administrative law enforcement agencies by watershed, set up cross-regional environmental protection agencies, ecological and environmental damage compensation system reform pilot to complete the national control air quality monitoring station monitoring authority receive tasks, implement the permit system for controlling pollutant discharge, and strengthen the environmental governance system of environmental information disclosure, government, enterprises and the public to jointly rule out the initial formation.

the scale of regulatory law enforcement is unprecedented. law on environmental protection law, law on prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, water pollution prevention and control law, environmental impact assessment law, nuclear safety law, environmental protection tax law and other laws have been completed and revised. nuclear safety law and soil pollution prevention and control law have entered the legislative review process of the standing committee of the national people's congress. known as the "history of the most stringent" new environmental protection law from 2015 onwards, the unprecedented crackdown on environmental violations. in 2016, a total of 137,800 environmental violations were investigated and dealt with by the nation, with 124,700 penalties and a fine of 6.633 billion yuan, an increase of 34%, 28% and 56% respectively over the same period of previous year. over the past five years, the mep has openly interviewed more than 40 cities (prefectures and counties) for problems such as poor performance in some places and deteriorating environmental quality. the supreme people's court and the supreme people's procuratorate have issued judicial interpretations on handling criminal cases of environmental pollution. in some areas, environmental police teams have been set up and environmental judicial guarantees have been strengthened.

the environment is improving faster than ever before. in 2016, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (pm2.5) in the three regions of beijing, tianjin, the yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta dropped by more than 30% from 2013 levels. the proportion of the national acid rain area to the total land area dropped from about 30% of the historical high to 7.2%. the proportion of class i-iii water bodies in the section under state control of surface water increased to 67.8%, and the proportion of water with worse than grade v dropped to 8.6%. the water quality of major rivers was steadily improved. forest cover increased from 16.6% at the beginning of this century to about 22%. terrestrial nature reserves area accounts for about 14.88% of the land area of the country, higher than the world average.

while addressing the domestic environmental problems, china has actively participated in global environmental governance and has approved the accession of more than 30 multilateral conventions or protocols related to the environment. under the montreal protocol, cumulative phase-out of ods accounted for more than half of developing countries' phase-out. china will be the first to release the "country program for implementing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development in china", deposit the ratification document of the "paris agreement" with the united nations and promote the green "belt and road". in 2016, at the second un environment assembly, unep released "green water castle is yinshan mountain in jinshan: strategy and action of ecological civilization in china", introducing the actions and achievements of china's ecological civilization construction in an all-round way. he said that "china is a global a staunch supporter and active practitioner of sustainable development concepts and actions. "

get valuable experience and inspiration

promoting the building of ecological civilization is a major political decision taken by the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core to follow the trend of the times and comply with the will of the people. in the magnificent and vivid work practices, we deeply understand that it is necessary to achieve "five musts" in promoting the construction of ecological civilization and environmental protection.

we must thoroughly implement comrade xi jinping's important strategic thinking on ecological civilization construction. comrade xi jinping's important strategic thinking on ecological civilization construction is a scientific guideline for correctly handling the relationship between man and nature, development and protection. it is also a program of action to solve the bottleneck of resources and environment and realize the sustainable development of the chinese nation. we should further enhance the "four awareness", firmly establish and implement the new development concept, resolutely carry out the political responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization, translate the important strategic thinking of comrade xi jinping in ecological civilization construction into a roadmap and construction plan, and continue to promote the building of an ecological civilization to a new level.

must promote the formation of green development and lifestyles. this is a profound revolution in the concept of development. we must closely focus on accelerating green development and strengthening the awareness that "green castle peak is the jinshanyinshan", with environmental protection optimizing economic development, guiding the industrial layout, forcing structural transformation, resolutely abandoning the development model that undermines or even destroying the ecological environment and resolutely abandon the practice of economic growth at the expense of the ecological environment in exchange for a one-on-one economic growth forms a space pattern, industrial structure, mode of production and lifestyle that conserve resources and protect the environment, and achieve the internal unification and mutual promotion of development and protection.

we must take the protection of the environment as a major livelihood project. democracy is the largest political, environmental protection matters to the people. we must take environmental protection as an important area and content of supply-side structural reform, focus on improving the quality of ecological environment, and focus on solving outstanding problems such as air, water and soil pollution. we must firmly lay the groundwork for environmental protection and ensure that the quality of ecological environment is obtained improve and ensure that green mountains and lush mountains are always in place and the natural ecosystem is safe and a good production and living environment for the people will be created.

we must accelerate the reform of the system of ecological civilization. reform is the fundamental driving force to promote the construction of ecological civilization and environmental protection. it is necessary to focus on outstanding issues and guide the efforts to solve the institutional and institutional constraints on the development of the undertaking so as to strengthen the environmental responsibility of local party committees and governments and their relevant departments and the corporate responsibility for environmental compliance as the main line and to integrate and enhance the quality of ecological environment as the goal, the central government has promulgated the document for reform and promulgated a series of new reform measures to integrate the building of ecological civilization into the institutionalized and rule of law track. in particular, it is necessary to seize this key minority of leading cadres, strengthen the responsibility of the main body of environmental protection and increase the degree of accountability of inspectors.

must promote the formation of government, enterprises, the public rule the pattern. the construction of ecological civilization and environmental protection are the causes of the common participation, common construction and common enjoyment of millions of people and the need for joint action by the whole society. we should step up publicity and education, raise the ecological civilization attainment of the entire society, guide the public to translate the awareness of environmental protection into the will and action for protecting the ecological environment, and establish a green action system in which the government, enterprises and the public participate together to form an action system that everyone, things, a good atmosphere of ecological civilization and environmental protection.

about us

south environment co., ltd. was established in may 2017, jointly funded by the china ship marine and defense equipment limited by share ltd and guangzhou city wide asset management co., ltd., with a registered capital of 500 million yuan. in the field of environmental protection investment, south environment operation, equipment manufacturing, technology development, circular economy industrial park and the city...



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